Current Partnerships
Virginia Tech
Implementing The Connection Project in the Fall semester of 2023, TCP at VT reached 45 students from ages 18 to 47 across many areas of study, backgrounds, and identities. To better adapt the curriculum to their course structure and student body, TCP at VT has a section of the course in their Human Development department, open to all students, and a section in their Engineering department which is specifically for studying engineering. After a successful pilot semester, TCP at VT is looking forward to continuing to grow and help more students.

Georgetown University
Georgetown's iteration of The Connection Project, titled Hoyas Connected, also began in the Fall semester of 2023. After spending the Fall semester training 10 student facilitators, the course launched in the Spring and served 70 students. Members of the groups and facilitators alike enjoyed being able to connect with new people and gain communication skills as the program continues to grow.